
Let’s meet a true ambassador of the Route des Navigateurs: Jean Bédard

At 86 years old, the man has just agreed to put aside certain battles that are too difficult to fight to devote himself to other projects more within his reach. He is busy with the legacy. First of a…

Tourisme Bas-Saint-Laurent July 16, 2024
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Let’s meet a true ambassador of the Route des Navigateurs: Michèle Youinou
My name is Michèle Youinou, co-owner of the creperie Du Côté de Chez Swann, which is obviously my favorite and my must-see on the Route des Navigateurs. One thing is clear, if I live in St-Antoine-de…
Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on July 3, 2024
Curious Nature
Let’s meet a true ambassador of the Route des Navigateurs: Brigitte Bastien
Do you know our ambassador Brigitte Bastien, the owner of Maison de Bibi, located in Bécancour in Centre-du-Québec? Find out why the river no longer has any secrets for this great Saint-Laurent enthu…
Tourisme Centre-du-Québec
Written on June 18, 2024
Active Nature
Let's go, the sea is beautiful!
The river is so wide and majestic at the height of the Bas-Saint-Laurent that it we call it the sea! After all, the water is salty, there are real tides – and sometimes even powerful surges! – and th…
Tourisme Bas-Saint-Laurent
Tourisme Bas-Saint-Laurent Tourisme Bas-Saint-Laurent
Written on July 22, 2022
Active Nature
Active stay in Centre-du-Québec
It is well known that the Route des Navigateurs is a tourist route that is best travelled at a more relaxed pace. We take this route to enjoy good times in good company, to discover the flavors of th…
Marie-Hélène Beaupré
Marie-Hélène Beaupré Tourisme Centre-du-Québec
Written on July 14, 2022
Parcours des Anses - Lina - Château Frontenac
Rencontres inspirantes
Tomber sous le charme du Parcours des Anses
J'habite Montmagny que depuis 7 ans et je ne fais que commencer à découvrir les beautés de la Chaudière-Appalaches. Alors, chaque fois que mes parents viennent de Trois-Rivières pour me visiter, il y…
Jonathan Regnière
Jonathan Regnière Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Updated on May 21, 2024
See the river like never before
I will always remember the first time I found myself at the marina of St-Michel de Bellechasse as well as the exceptional evening of May 10, 2024.
Stéphane Bourque
Stéphane Bourque Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Updated on May 13, 2024
Rencontres inspirantes - En vedette
La Maison de l'Anse-aux-Oies: a B&B in the heart of winter
In the heart of the village of l'Islet-sur-Mer, discover one of the most beautiful B&Bs in Quebec. Just 10 minutes from Club Sportif Appalaches, it's the perfect place to offer a lodging experience …
Odile Turgeon
Odile Turgeon Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Updated on February 1, 2024
Foody Nature
Gourmet trip - Saint-Jean-Port-Joli and its surroundings
3 days on the road eating, drinking, tasting, smelling, and most importantly having #LiveItForReal meetings. Bon appétit!
Sarah Moore
Sarah Moore Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Updated on January 23, 2024
Rencontres inspirantes - En vedette
Family outing: Roadtrip On The Route des Navigateurs
Take the 132 between Beaumont and Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, and you'll be immersed in the atmosphere of a summer vacation! Let yourself be charmed by the magnificent villages along the river, stop as you…
Ange Hébert-Corriveau
Written on July 3, 2023
Curious Nature
A new learning game on the Route des Navigateurs
A new digital fun trail has been added to the Route des Navigateurs in the Centre-du-Québec and Bas-Saint-Laurent regions!
Marie-Hélène Beaupré
Marie-Hélène Beaupré Tourisme Centre-du-Québec
Written on June 7, 2023
Curious Nature
Podcast- A drive like no other with Lina and André
The sunsets over the Charlevoix mountains are a colorful sight from the L'Islet wharf. It is because we were invited by Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches to follow the route proposed by the podcast "Rale…
Lina Giguère
Updated on April 19, 2023
Isle-aux-Grues- Road Trip (dans la van)
Lina and André's road trip on the Route des Navigateurs (day 3)
Last day of Lina and André's adventures on the Route des Navigateurs.
Lina Giguère
Updated on April 19, 2023
Saint-Antoine-de-Tilly -Road Trip
Lina and André's road trip on the Route des Navigateurs (day 2)
The folllow-up of Lina and André's adventures on the Route des Navigateurs.
Lina Giguère
Updated on April 19, 2023
Route des Navigateurs- Road trip
Lina and André's road trip on the Route des Navigateurs (day 1)
Tuesday, September 12th, André and I are watching the sunset on the fields in front of our house. The evening promises to be quiet. Curious to go on Facebook, I see that a friend shared with me a lin…
Lina Giguère
Updated on April 19, 2023
Discover a unique know-how at the Seigneurie des Aulnaies
Whether for the water mill, one of the last six in operation in Quebec still producing artisanal organic flour, or for the seigniorial manor and its enchanting decor, everything is there to live a un…
Ophélie Gonthier
Ophélie Gonthier Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on April 14, 2023
Savor the moment to the rhythm of the tides in L'Islet
This weekend, take the Route des Navigateurs and stop at L'Islet for a stay where maritime history rhymes with local flavors and riverside.
Stéphane Bourque
Stéphane Bourque Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on April 13, 2023
Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, I always come back
Located between Quebec and Gaspésie, Saint-Jean-Port-Joli is truly charming and rich in discoveries. Here are the five reasons why I love coming back there every summer!
Odile Turgeon
Odile Turgeon Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches
Written on April 13, 2023
Domaine Joly-De Lotbinière, one of Marianne's favourite !
My trip to Domaine Joly-De Lotbinière reminded me of many memories of my childhood there. Indeed, this place of Chaudière-Appalaches is my favorite because it is a peaceful and beautiful place.
Marianne Savoie
Updated on March 17, 2023
Voyager en solo
Voyager seul, ça peut paraître effrayant, qu’on voyage localement ou à l’international. Ayant des horaires très différents de ceux de mon conjoint, j’ai décidé l’an dernier de tenter ma chance, de fa…
Marie-Hélène Beaupré
Marie-Hélène Beaupré Tourisme Centre-du-Québec
Written on September 1, 2022